We include prayer, worship, study, and the Sacraments as part of our school day – every school day. We partner with our larger parish community, sharing our gifts, activities, retreat opportunities and some aspects of Sacramental Preparation with Saint Thomas the Apostle Church members. Prayer is more than what we do – it’s who we are.

Morning Chapel Service: We start each day in chapel where we pray together as a school, creating a beautiful sense of community in Christ. We take a few moments to study a virtue and immerse ourselves in thoughtful prayer and devotion. These precious few minutes allow us all to catch our breath, center ourselves, and prepare to start our school day.

Prayer throughout the Day: Before lunch or snacks, we give thanks for what has been given. After lunch, 3rd graders lead the entire school in the Angelus. Then at the end of the school day, our 8th graders lead us in the Examination of Conscience and prayer.

Weekly Mass: Monday’s Mass is for our 1st-3rd graders. Father Jim uses this Mass to teach our littlest learners about receiving God’s graces during this sacred time. Friday’s Mass is for our 4th-8th graders. Students participate as lectors, servers, gift bearers, choir members, student musicians, and sacristans. 

Adoration: We offer students time for guided adoration in our church. Teachers bring their students to the church to reinforce the value of having a peace and presence before God. We give our students every opportunity to experience the rich elements of our Catholic faith.

Grotto: The Virgin Mary serves as an example of selfless love and sacrifice. Our Saint Thomas community, friends and neighbors are now invited to feel Mary’s presence when spending time in this new and sacred space. “Nothing is too much for the Blessed Mother.” She is prominently placed in a corner of the school where she watches over her children forever.

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